Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hello World!

Hi Everyone! Yes,I know it's been since May that I have blogged! We have been so busy playing outside...mainly. So here is an update:

Michelle: Homeschooling, carting kids around to activities, canning stuff, sewiig, and just doing what moms do. Happy to be home in Oregon though I occasionally feel a soft spot for Iowa :-).

Drew: Busy doing construction to keep bills paid while looking for the right Chiropractic opportunity. Frustrating to keep finding dead ends.

DJ: Getting ready to be baptized next month,loving and doing well with school, and having fun with soccer.

Meg: Her love for books and reading has increased and she has enjoyed the new schooling we have started this year. I have enjoyed listening to her sing songs in the car with confidence...she also is a go getter on the soccer field.

Alayna: Doing well! Enjoying school and warming uo to all of the new people in her life. Her smile and eyes twinkle more than ever!

Seth: Just turned 4!!!!!!!! But,if you ask him how old he is,his answers is "I'm almost 5". He is doing preschool in a box over at our friend's house and loving having a new buddy to play with.

Joe: Is growing up fast. He repeats anything and everything that anyone says and talks in complete sentences. I about fell over the other day when he said "mom, i want some pancakes for breakfast"...while holding a giant box of bisquicks. He holds his own well in this family,smiling and giggling most of the time.

So, we are surviving and getting on with life even though Drew hasn't established what we are doing chiropractically just yet.