Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Homechooling with a Fresh Start

Well, I'm sure other homeschoolers out there can relate. With a lot of changes that we have had going on in our family along with weeks worth of sickness, homeschool has been on the back burner. I just couldn't get myself to take on the battle. Sometimes it is a full force battle to get 3 kids to ccoperate and have somewhat decent attitudes about homeschooling. Everyone wants their own personal attention and will misbehave to get it. Anyway, I have decided to give it another go. Today we started fresh. The started by a simple task...coloring. I just wanted to test their level of cooperation. Amazingly we survived one coloring project. They colored while I started reorginizing our homeschool cabinets and drawers. Then towards the end it got a little ugly. That's where we are right now. I put all the kids in a special time out by themselves and told them that mommy needed a timeout too. They are just rude to eachother lately. I think it's mostly age related for D.J. He has been a jerk to everyone. Anyway, I couldn't tolerate it any longer. I am about to get them settled again at the table for our reading lesson and devotions. This time our unit study will be science related. We will be talking about how things grow and learning a little about gardening. It's seemingly fit as we are about to get our garden going again this year. I am asking Grandpa Dan to come and do a special lesson for the kids after Drew gets our planter boxes built. Anywho...I should get them all out of time out now. Chow.


Debra said...

LOVE your red background :-)

Ahhh... sibling rivalry. I have heard they grow out it, eventually. Probably when the move out of the house to go to college. LOL. We have been in the midst of it FOR-E-VER. Oh man. Just WAIT till Megan hits about 7-8. YUCK. I want to send her AWAY. I just do NOT know how they can possibly be so mean to each other!

If you ever figure out a way to stop, I would PAY YOU for your solution!!! NO JOKE.

Something that stops (the situation only) does not stop all over.. just that one incidence, is to say"Rewind" and help them go through the steps of what they should be saying. Today, Emma screamed, "Get out of my way" and pushed him aside (yes sweet little EMMA!) as he was trying to get in the van first. So I grabbed her jacket to stop her and said REWIND. I made her walk backwards 5 steps and talked her through asking properly. "Joseph, would you please step aside so I can get in my seat first?" Not sure it is helping, since we had to do it every single place we went today. Eventually it HAS to sink in, RIGHT? (Just say right! PLEASSE!)

Good luck!! I hope the rest of the day went better!


Debra said...

That was supposed to say I want to send EMMA AWAY!! !LOL

Dan's Wife said...

I can relate... I think it is affecting more than just your littles - E and D fight constantly. I think I'm going to borrow the "rewind" idea. ;) I'm so ready for the weather to be nice enough, consistently enough that the kids can play in the back yard and I can do computer work sitting on the deck.

Brent and Emily said...

I can't say I can really relate that much or have any advice for you, but I am SO impressed that you have 5 kids and you homeschool. You are awesome!!! I know I could never do it, but I admire you for doing it. Your kids need you so much and are SO lucky to have you. They will appreciate all your hard work one day. Payday just won't be for another 15 years. Kind of sounds depressing, but it will be worth it. All the hardest things in life come with the greatest reward at the end.