Saturday, November 1, 2008

4 Days to Go!

10 days down and 4 to go until my wonderful husband and best friend return home. It has been a crazy couple a days around the Isaksen Clan. Joe came down with an ear infection Friday and ran 103+ temps all day. I was able to get him into the doctor late in the afternoon. He is better now that he is on antibiotics...however my lovely little boy refused to nap for the first time ever. He usually whimpers for a few seconds or minutes just after I close the door...then all will be quiet and he will sleep for 1 to 2 hours. This has been our routine for at least the past year. Today he jumped in his crib, played for a while, attempted to climb out, and screamed. I kept checking on him every so often and after about 45 minutes just gave up. I had a lovely episode as well on Thursday and ALMOST ended up with a D&C on Friday morning. After more evaluation I got hormones instead of surgery...phew! Only, these hormones make me cry at dumb commercials and be overly sensitive. Last week was the Primary program...I am glad it is over. The kids all did a fantastic job! Now we get to do fun songs and relax for a few months. This Sunday we are playing hot potato. It will be wrapped in layers of foil with songs under each layer. Should be fun! My Sewing machine broke tonight!!! Now what? The motor doesn't want to move my presser just revs. I am supposed to make 3 nursing covers for different peoples! Ugh! I guess I will have to wait until Mr. Fix It gets home. He is really good at figuring out these kinds of things. I guess I will just veg for the rest of the night. Happy extra hour of sleep to everyone....hope Joe sleeps past 5 am though!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I'm guessing that Drew is probably home by now. phewww eh! Where has he been? Good to see all of your cute little kids faces.