Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Well, hard to believe, but it is that time of year again! Our kids love carving pumpkins! What kid doesn't, I wonder? Anyway, we all had a good time. It took longer than normal this year and the kids ended up going to bed before we could get the annual picture of them sitting with their carved pumpkin. We did get the pumpkins in a pic though. All in all I would say the event was a success. My back wasn't too bad, so I got down on the floor and helped scoop out pumpkin gunk with the kids. Drew called me from the top of the Eifle Tower this morning. He said it was awesome. He is tired from the travels though.

1 comment:

Mummy said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I love those kinds of moments!