I've officially been tagged by Judy Stock....enjoy some Random ISAKSEN FACTS
The rules are: 1)Link back to the person who tagged you & post these rules on your blog 2)Share random and/or weird facts about yourself 3)Tag 7 RANDOM people 4)Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Random Isaksen Facts...hmmmm
I love to cozy up on a rainy day with a book and a cup o tea
I had many boyfriends growing up...all named Jake and 2 named John, and one named Joel...I guess I had a thing for J's
My mom and I are best friends
I am truly living my dreams because I am a mother and a wife to an amazing husband (even though this job description comes with many challenges...still way cool)
I like horses
I have 2 brothers, one natural and one step...both named Scott, both the same age. (This is my brother Scott and this is my other brother Scott)Lol!
I'm not sure why, but I still like Amercian Idol. Every year I promise to not get hooked, but look forward to it and follow it to the finale.
I am a martial artist...wish my back would heal so I could get that black belt!
I truly love people and am a natural socialite...only I've become a homebody since becoming a mother.
I believe in homeschooling...even though I have a few kids in public school
Can't wait to move home and not live on student loan monney anymore
I have kewl neighbors (Andrew and Beth)
My family has a secret hand sqeezing code...3 sqeezes say "I LOVE YOU" 4 say "I LOVE YOU TOO"...one long hard sqeeze means "Let's get outta here" or "Stop talking already"
D.J. refers to me as "Cutie Pie" instead of mom
Okay...hope that's enough random Isaksen facts for one day :-)
I am tagging ...
Michelle Sheldon
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