Foster Care and Adoption blogging, homeschooling, crafts, lds singing time ideas, marriage, and religion
Monday, February 25, 2008
GI bug, bones, and more...
Hello Everybody! Sickness again prevails in the Isaksen household. Lil' Joe was up last night with the pukes and (heavens it was coming out the other end too). UNfortunately for me he graciously passed it on. With that we have been taking it easy. I currently have an A in all 3 classes with finals exams next week. I think I am going to survive. Then I will only have 2 classes to worry about. Diamond Chiropractic is the new place I'm trying out. So far it's been awesome. The last 2 mornings I have been able to get out of bed w/out as much stiffness and pain. BTW, stiffness and pain together with a non-morning person= scary! Singing time went over pretty well yesterday. The little guys got to pick flowers and take them to the piano player and give her a hug. The kids were really into it and the piano player loved seeing their sweet faces and getting hugs. The older kids got to practice the monthly song and then we tossed around a HUGE squishy ball. It was like a memory game and name that tune. I think they liked it. I may be getting released soon as they are making lots of changes in primary and nursery. I've had fun while it's lasted though. I have 3 computer assignments and an essay to write tonight....need to get the munchkins to bed.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Yikes! After stepping on the scale yesterday my fears were confirmed. I have gained back all but 3 pounds that I lost over last spring and summer. Low carb diet is awesome for some people...people like me who suffer from insilun resistance and hormone problems, however, it is a program that is a lifelong committment. If a person returns to the old way of eating the weight will quickly reappear. I am praying for strength and will power. Losing the excess weight is only part of the reward for following this diet. The other great rewards for me are a huge boost in energy (comes from also taking my thyroid pill), cleared mind, and less stress on my back. I'm a better mom when I am in a better mood also. So, I'm back on. I have to say that after the initial hump of sugar/bread cravings it becomes easier to follow the food plan. It only takes a few days of misery, and then it's worth it. I'm trying a new chiro this morning. Sorry Palmer people....but I am tired of waiting 30-40 minutes to be seen and also tired of being seen by 4 different people depending on the day.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Birthday Time!
Well, it's birthday time at the Isaksen house. Joe is officially 1 year today. My precious little button. Megan has been 5 already since the 7th. I will be baking cakes with Megan today...although mine will not be fancy dancy. I'm just not there yet with cake decorating. Maybe sometime down the road it will become of intrest to me. I have lots to do today...including coming up with an idea for primary singing time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Drugs are my friend
Have you ever been in such a deep sleep that you dream you are trying to wake up? This happened to me today thanks to vicaden...a most lovely pain killer I'm using for my bad back days (don't worry Palmer peeps....along with 3x a week chiro treatments). Today I feel like Dr. House. I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaning about writing this. I'm happy to report that I rcvd a whopping 100% on my first ever college essay for Medical Terminology 2. I have 2 quizzes this week. I was loving my computer class until it magically turned into a math class. Yikes! I don't like, no, no! I have an everlasting crink in my neck from staring at the computer screen. We found a helper to come in and rescue Drew and I from officially going bonkers. Her name is Amanda and she is quite lovely. It only took about 1 month to find someone adequate. She will be helping out 20-25 hours per week 3 days a week. If anyone needs a part time helper, she would be interested in helping you as well. She doesn't care for her other part time job. I have found out that people don't stare at us anymore (at walmart) as long as she has a few kids in her cart and I have a few in mine. I'm so glad....getting sick of the stares and well meaning comment "Wow, you must have your hands full". Uhhh, ya think?!/
I was extremely happy to hear our friend Deandra had her baby boy earlier in the week. Drew and I have been in anticipation for the past week. So, congrats again...and Welcome Baby Rock! I only have a few people who keep up with my daily ramblings, so if you're reading...I'm reminding you to come celebrate with us at our home Sunday evening at 6:30pm. We will be celebrating our 1st annual adoption anniverary as well as joe Henry's 1st birthday and Megan's 5th. Need to feed munchkins lunch now!
I was extremely happy to hear our friend Deandra had her baby boy earlier in the week. Drew and I have been in anticipation for the past week. So, congrats again...and Welcome Baby Rock! I only have a few people who keep up with my daily ramblings, so if you're reading...I'm reminding you to come celebrate with us at our home Sunday evening at 6:30pm. We will be celebrating our 1st annual adoption anniverary as well as joe Henry's 1st birthday and Megan's 5th. Need to feed munchkins lunch now!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Happy Adoption Day Anniversary Isaksen Kids!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
1st Adoption Anniversary
Hello Friends,
Well, tosay is our 1st annual adoption anniversarary. It doesn't seem like a whole year has passed. Here are a few achievments for the kiddos:
D.J. turned 6 and is doing great with reading! He loves school.
Megan turned 5 yesterday and has grown taller and more mature. She has learned so much this year how to play and interact with her siblings. I love to see her take charge of her play and use her imagination. I'm pretty glad she is able to reason now too.
Alayna has also grown tremendously. She colors beautifully and tries to stay in the lines. She enjoys TKD and dancing around the livingroom. She constantly tries to keep up witht he older 2 kids, never plays down a level. She has also grown fond of "pretties, shoes, and lip gloss"
Seth has grown into a little boy...NOT A BABY (as he would say). He continues to make us all laugh. His language is clear enough that Drew and I always know what he's talking about. Our friends need us to interpret sometimes. He loves school too and takes pride in his abc and 123s.
Joe....our little baby boy is now almost 1 and ready to take his first steps. He is so incredibaly sweet. He's been laughing and giggling like crazy are a few pics...
Well, tosay is our 1st annual adoption anniversarary. It doesn't seem like a whole year has passed. Here are a few achievments for the kiddos:
D.J. turned 6 and is doing great with reading! He loves school.
Megan turned 5 yesterday and has grown taller and more mature. She has learned so much this year how to play and interact with her siblings. I love to see her take charge of her play and use her imagination. I'm pretty glad she is able to reason now too.
Alayna has also grown tremendously. She colors beautifully and tries to stay in the lines. She enjoys TKD and dancing around the livingroom. She constantly tries to keep up witht he older 2 kids, never plays down a level. She has also grown fond of "pretties, shoes, and lip gloss"
Seth has grown into a little boy...NOT A BABY (as he would say). He continues to make us all laugh. His language is clear enough that Drew and I always know what he's talking about. Our friends need us to interpret sometimes. He loves school too and takes pride in his abc and 123s.
Joe....our little baby boy is now almost 1 and ready to take his first steps. He is so incredibaly sweet. He's been laughing and giggling like crazy are a few pics...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Directions for the Charts
For the Daily Choices Chart, the kids try to stay on the smiley face during day. If they make poor choices, they have to move their star down once. As long as they don't get to the last frowny face, they can always move it back to the smiley face. Kids who stay off of the frowniest face get an extra story at bed, maybe a treat, get to stay up a little later than usual, ect. We change the incentives often. Whoever gets to the frowniest face (and this takes a lot of misbehaving) has to go to bed early that night (by early we mean 10 minutes before actual bedtime). Anyway, we have been doing this for a few months and the kids love it.
For the chores, I found the super kids (classroom helper kit) at the teachers aid store. I simply customized it for household chores. D.J. knows how to read, so his chores are written. The younger kids get pictures to identify the chore. The starts start above the picture of the they complete their chores they get to move the star in front of their kid. I use round velcro sticky dots for everything. They work great and it allows the kids to move their stars around on their own.
Let me know if anyone has questions. Cheers!
For the chores, I found the super kids (classroom helper kit) at the teachers aid store. I simply customized it for household chores. D.J. knows how to read, so his chores are written. The younger kids get pictures to identify the chore. The starts start above the picture of the they complete their chores they get to move the star in front of their kid. I use round velcro sticky dots for everything. They work great and it allows the kids to move their stars around on their own.
Let me know if anyone has questions. Cheers!
Monday, February 4, 2008
I am so excited to finally be in February. This time next year we will be headed back to Oregon. I am so looking forward to getting home. Maybe we can actually start the 1st day of the rest of our lives then. Does anyone else feel like they are on the Palmer treadmill? It goes and goes, but we are still stuck in Davenport. This has been one wild experience though. We have changed a lot over the past 4-5 years. I'm sure there are aspects of student life that will be missed. There is however, something strange about spending money on bills and things that really has to be paid back later. Yikes! It will be nice to make real money and use it instead of loans. Well, the ISaksen household has been dealing with the winter sickies. It's been a few weeks now and I think everyone but me has had their turn. I have felt like yuck, but not as bad as anyone else. It's hard to believe Joe will be 1. I have enjoyed watching him grow. Seth is also growing so much and jabbering away. He is so adoreable. He is also more spoiled than the older kids. I am finding out he doesn't like to listen or follow us. I know some of this is age, but I remember the other kids doing better at this when they were his age. Well, kids are playing playdough and about done. I am cringing at the thought of loading them all up to head out to Palmer for adjustments (especially in this weather). So there you have it....more daily ramblings from the ISaksen house (I'm sure no one finds really interesting or life altering). However, I plan to post something useful in the next few days. I will be posting my behavior and chore charts and tell you all how we operate them. I couldn't find one in the stores that would go along with the #of children I have, the chores I want them to do, and the way I wanted them to monitor their own behaviors. Anyway, it will be a post worth something more than my usual ramblings...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
President HInckley

Prophetic Passing
I imagine he's running to Marjorie now,
Yes, running, not waving his cane.
I see him embracing his father and mother
While they keep repeating his name.
I see him now meeting his forebears,
Brother Brigham and Joseph are there.
Sweet reunion of prophets, united by service
That only such noble men share.
I see him embraced by the Savior
While Father says, "Good and well done.
So faithful in stalwart endurance, I welcome
My noble, most excellent son."
I then hear the ripples of laughter
As he says the reception's just fine,
But he hopes that he'll get an assignment or two
Since there's no need to waste any time.
I can hear his clear voice in the stillness
At the close of this sweet Sabbath day,
Have faith and move forward - there's work to be done.
President Hinckley would want it that way.
Anna M. Molgard
January 27, 2008
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