Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Drugs are my friend

Have you ever been in such a deep sleep that you dream you are trying to wake up? This happened to me today thanks to vicaden...a most lovely pain killer I'm using for my bad back days (don't worry Palmer peeps....along with 3x a week chiro treatments). Today I feel like Dr. House. I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaning about writing this. I'm happy to report that I rcvd a whopping 100% on my first ever college essay for Medical Terminology 2. I have 2 quizzes this week. I was loving my computer class until it magically turned into a math class. Yikes! I don't like formulas...no, no, no! I have an everlasting crink in my neck from staring at the computer screen. We found a helper to come in and rescue Drew and I from officially going bonkers. Her name is Amanda and she is quite lovely. It only took about 1 month to find someone adequate. She will be helping out 20-25 hours per week 3 days a week. If anyone needs a part time helper, she would be interested in helping you as well. She doesn't care for her other part time job. I have found out that people don't stare at us anymore (at walmart) as long as she has a few kids in her cart and I have a few in mine. I'm so glad....getting sick of the stares and well meaning comment "Wow, you must have your hands full". Uhhh, ya think?!/
I was extremely happy to hear our friend Deandra had her baby boy earlier in the week. Drew and I have been in anticipation for the past week. So, congrats again...and Welcome Baby Rock! I only have a few people who keep up with my daily ramblings, so if you're reading...I'm reminding you to come celebrate with us at our home Sunday evening at 6:30pm. We will be celebrating our 1st annual adoption anniverary as well as joe Henry's 1st birthday and Megan's 5th. Need to feed munchkins lunch now!


Mummy said...

Drugs are a good thing!! There is an award for you on my blog! Did you see it??

Debra said...

Drugs.. LOVE them. And don't let those "Palmer" people make you feel bad! Just kiddin'.. you KNOW I am SO freakin' PRO chiropractic that it is SCARY! I worked in 4 chiropractic offices in my working career most of the time as office managers. So I know that chiropractic is not going to heal everything. It is impossible. It is a great foundation... actually, THE foundation, and you build upon it.

I don't thnk you want us over. We are all McSicky's here. I doubt we will be well by then. It is AWFUL and I do not want to spread it around. Have a FUN party though.

Congrats on finding a P/T nanny!!

And you know that I was kidding about the "Palmer" statement. I have just been around SOOOO many chiropractors who think it can heal EVERYTHING and it can really harm their patients. Even Dr. Nikotow (who is a FABULOUSLY famous Chiro... he makes a lot of the posters and pamphlets that Drew will probably end up using in his office!) does not believe it will heal everything.

the sheldons said...

Ahhh, drugs. All that is good and evil in this world. I'm glad that you're at least finding some relief now. And congrats on finding a part time nanny. I'm sure that life has gotten easier now.