Friday, February 22, 2008


Yikes! After stepping on the scale yesterday my fears were confirmed. I have gained back all but 3 pounds that I lost over last spring and summer. Low carb diet is awesome for some people...people like me who suffer from insilun resistance and hormone problems, however, it is a program that is a lifelong committment. If a person returns to the old way of eating the weight will quickly reappear. I am praying for strength and will power. Losing the excess weight is only part of the reward for following this diet. The other great rewards for me are a huge boost in energy (comes from also taking my thyroid pill), cleared mind, and less stress on my back. I'm a better mom when I am in a better mood also. So, I'm back on. I have to say that after the initial hump of sugar/bread cravings it becomes easier to follow the food plan. It only takes a few days of misery, and then it's worth it. I'm trying a new chiro this morning. Sorry Palmer people....but I am tired of waiting 30-40 minutes to be seen and also tired of being seen by 4 different people depending on the day.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Good for you! How is the new chiro? I don't blame you about the waiting. Good heavens!! All 7 of us get adjusted in 30 minutes!