Friday, January 9, 2009

Quick Update..

Sleep Study: Confirmed moderate sleep apnea...ooooh, I get to wear a mask thingy to bed

Preceptorship: Original plans fell through when the Doc's app was declined due to disciplinary action on his record...we frantically called a bazillion offices looking for somewhere else to precept. We have a few options to consider and will make a decision by Monday.

Megan: Doing awesome in play therapy!! She will be sporting new glasses at church on Sunday :-)

House: Still no offers, but it looks like we will probably rent it out.

Quilt: Top is done! Pics coming soon. The plan is to quilt it on Sunday after church.

Moving Truck: We bought one for about as much as it would have been to rent one...will be loading it over the next few weeks.

Nursing Covers: Have about 6 to make. Working on Kara Faith Sheldon's currently. If you want one, just let me know.

The rest of the clan is doing good. It will be a busy weekend. I hope to visit Michelle, Dean, and Kara sometime :-) Sorry no pics today :-(


Judy Lamont Stock said...

Come to Chicago!!!

Dan's Wife said...

Keeping you all in my prayers that a different preceptorship can be worked out. {{hugs}} to the whole crew.

We are the Turner's! said...

I loved Megan's glasses! I noticed them today. She sure looked cute. Good luck with the preceptorship. You are in our prayers. I'm excited to see your quilt topper. I hope you sleep well tonight!