Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baptism & Cinderella

Today was such an awesome day! It started with the baptism of John Cheney at the church. The Holy Ghost was so strong there today. The love from our Savior was very apparent. I am also always very glad to have the opportunity to play my flute. Ceanna sang a beautiful song and Maria was awesome on the piano as well. I also got to catch up with my friend Renetta and was able to sit with Darcy. Such cool peeps. After that I took 3 of our kids to go pick out princess/king crowns for the dress up Cinderella matine. It was awesome and the kids had so much fun. They were even asking if we could take them to audition for a play sometime. That would be fun to try. ON a completely different note...I am thinking of trying out a foster/adoptive support group on Monday night. They provide would be good to get some connections going around here. I am thankful for the beautiful sunny day we had!

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