Sunday, March 16, 2008


I am delighted to report that my munchkins are on the upswing. Their behaviors seem to have turned the corener over the past few days. I'm so glad we get to feel like a normal family again for a while. (Anyone with RADs kids knows exactly what I'm saying here, everybody else will just have to take my word for it). It could be a combo of the nicer weather and the fact they are adjusting to our new helper. I am also happy to report that after 5 weeks we still adore her and she is doing a fabulous job. Music time went pretty well today. The jr. primary got to hunt eggs and find songs inside. The Sr. primary played pictionary where they drew a song and sketched it on the chalkboard while everyone guessed it. I think it went over well. Megan came down with a cold, but I'm not complaining. I'm just glad it's not the flu. However; wouldn't it be nice if everyone was healthy for a change? Drew survived boards! I survived him being gone ALOT over the past 2 weeks. We are hoping to work in the yard tmrw. That's about it for us.


Mummy said...

Yeah for the kids being on the upswing!! Yeah for YOU for the kids being on the upswing!!! Maybe it is the sunshine! Singing time was WONDERFUL yesterday (there were some very interesting pix drawn in there!)

Debra said...

Yeah! This winter is hard for everyone. Being cooped up in the house is no fun. I am about to ring my kids necks!