Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Joe Health Update

The following pictures indicate what an allergic reaction to amoxicillin looks like. Joe wasn't unhappy or itchy, but it was painful for me to look at. It took 2-3 days for the drug to leave his system and the rash faded away.

Anyway, as some of you know Joe has been throwing up every few nights. He hasn't shown any symptoms of the flu or being sick other than that. We are trying to rule out different food allergies. I'm wondering if he is allergic to the spices in the organic baby food??? I don't think so as I fed him some last night and we had no throwing up episodes. He also is gaining weight extremely slowly. Remember he was a 9 pound baby. He is 19 pounds currently at 13 months and is riding around the 10th percentile. Anyone have any ideas???????


Darcy said...

Hi, I am a totally random commenter. I was hitting "next blog" and yours caught my eye because I live in Oregon, then I read this post about your son being sick. My son who is now 12 months had a stomach bug about a month ago and it was really hard for him to kick it. He would seem fine during the day and then at night he would throw up. The doctor told us that babies that aren't "used" the stomach flu have a hard time bouncing back from it if they get high fat foods. I was giving my son more formula than food because I thought the food was making him sick. The doctor suggested that we do bland food and pedialyte or gatorade. Once he went 24 hours without getting sick then we could add in small amounts of formula.
I have no idea if this is even helpful, I just know how frustrating it was and how much we wanted to go a night without throw up!
Good luck!

Dan's Wife said...

Poor baby! I have pics of both E and D with the same allergic reaction rash to amoxicillin. :( I also have pics of D with a reaction to cephalosporin (heads up - there's a 10% chance of a reaction with cephalosporins for kids with amoxicillin allergies).

Hope you can get him sorted out and gaining again... D's ped suggested carnation instant breakfast - she said it was essentially the same thing as pediasure for less than 1/2 the cost.
