If you're reading this, you're TAGGED! (You can thank Ashley M., who tagged me.) This means you have to complete the following questions and post them on your blog. Sorry guys, rules are rules. Enjoy!
Two names you go by.
1. Mom
2. Cutie pie (thanks to D.J.)
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. Wedding ring
2. Pj. bottoms
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Vacation
2. Be debt free
Two favorite pets you have had/have:
1. Cali (our Saitnly Saint Bernard)
2. Turbo & Toots (our turtles)
Two things you did last night
1. Wrote a paper for my coding class
2. Took my drug cocktail to get relief for my back
Two people you last talked to:
1. Amanda (our fantabulous nanny)
2. Seth (be quiet, it's nap time)
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Homeschooling with kids
2. Cooking a large pot of Chili
Two longest car rides:
1. New Jersey to Oregon
2. Iowa to Oregon
Two favorite beverages:
1. Diet coke
2. More diet coke (love the aspertame)