Sunday, September 21, 2008

From 20 to 30

The day is soon coming when I will no longer be a "young mother" in her 20's. Saturday I will officially be turning the dreaded 30. Can't stop time from rolling on by no matter how hard I try. I thought it would be fun to list what was going on from here it goes ((if I can even remember)) Lol!

20: Going to and graduated from Texas Bible institute

21: Living in NJ, for part of the year I worked as a live-in nanny in Summit, wasn't a great fit, so I found a job working as a placement director for Dakota Nanny Company. I was also involved in youth ministry and sharing an apartment with Amy. I remember going to the grocery store and having to figure out what food to buy for Amy and I every other week or so...that was weird.

22: Still living in NJ working at Dakota, doing youth ministry, and oh yeah...majorly single!

23: Moved back home to Oregon, got a job as a personal assistant for a family there, sang in the college jazz choir, did some community theatre, became LDS, met my husband and got married :-)

24: Hubby went to junior college, I managed apartments and duplexes and moved to Davenport, IA.

25: Hubby worked and did undergrad, I started up a preschool in our home

26: Still working and going to school...started foster care and adoption home studies. Kids came to live with us :-) Drew started Palmer

27: I got pregnant with Joe:-)

28: Adoptions were finalized and we had Joe

29: Drew Palmer, Michelle: Mom duty

30: Hopefully this year will continue to bring blessings along with the challenges as we transition from student life to contributing citizens. The kids will need some adjustment time with the move. Yeah for going back home to Oregon!!

1 comment:

Beth Loftin said...

Sounds like a busy 10 years! 30 really isn't so bad, just a number. 50 on the other hand, whoah!!!

I'm happy you are all so excited to move back home, but you will be greatly missed here in Davenport. You'll have to grow some corn back home to remember us by.

Love you guys,
Beth & Jack