Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blurry Eyes

Attention readers: I am SO tired tonight that my eyes are blurred as I look at the computer. I feel like I've been running for 2 days and going nowhere. Isn't that what being a mother to young children can seem like? The laundry for example is never ending. Just when you feel caught up, somebody has to go and change clothes on you. We've been blessed to have someone here temp. at least to get us by until we can find the right mother's helper. (I prefer to call this person a mother's helper vs. nanny....nanny sounds more like someone who comes in and does everything while the mom leaves for work). Oh no, I have enough work at home to do...even with the help. Although at times it sounds rather tempting to leave for a different job. I know I would miss my little monsters after the 1st day. As tired as I am...they are worth it. It's actually extra work to explain our family to a totally different person. This is why I have neglected my blog too. Joe is sick and I am saddened to say that the other children were looking a bit puney by late this afternoon. Sometimes we just need to stop the madness. Tmrw will be a relaxed P.J. day. I'm even cxl my appt. at Palmer to stay home and relax with the kids. No homeschool. SICK DAY!

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