Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Time to get moving

The sky is grey and the temp is comfortable today...sorta reminds me of home (Oregon that is). Some people say weather like this is depressing. I actually prefer it. There are a few fall leaves still hanging on to trees around here, but soon the trees will be bare. Anyway, it's nice to have a small break from bitterly cold temps. We have a homeschool today...and that's it for the agenda. As usual, I can hardly move in the morning, so I need to start moving around anyway so things will loosen up some. All of you chiros out there ignore this next statement ..... I am looking FORWARD to pain killers and muscle relaxants. I hope taking these will bring up my quality of life a bit. Listen....I've been going to the Chiro 3x a week for a LONG time and I still have little to no relief. Oooh, ouch! I hate to end this post on such a negative note, but I must get going. I have 5 little blessings waiting for my attention.


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